Provide Your Logo or Select an Option Below
  1. Option 1 - Upload Your Logo and/or Font

    If you have a graphic and/or font to upload, please click the "browse for logo and font files" button to browse to the file(s) on your computer.
    Logo file formats: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, tif, tiff, svg, eps (preferred), ai (preferred), psd (preferred), pdf, doc, docx.
    Font file formats: ttf, ttc, otf, woff, eot, pfb, pfm.

    Browse For Logo and Font Files
    Drag & Drop Your Logo Files Here

  2. Option 2 - Forward this Upload Request

    If you do not have the logo, but you know who does, please fill in their e-mail address and click forward request.

  3. Option 3 - I Need Help!

    If you have already uploaded the only logo you have or you just need to talk to someone on the phone regarding your logo, access to our library of mascots, or the creation of a custom logo, please provide the best time and number to contact you.

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